via Francesco Romano 23
70023 – Gioia del Colle (BA) – Italy
mobile: +39 389 0101111
e-mail: alba@ascfortranslation.com
skype: alba.bellacicco
VAT ID No. 07223130720
Tax No. BLLLBA86M58A662P
I fell in love with the French language when I was in middle school, and I built on this by taking German in high school. These two passions will stay with me forever.
Once I passed the entrance test, I found it very easy to choose a university: Scuola Superiore di Lingue Moderne per Interpreti e Traduttori (SSLMIT) in Forlì (School of Interpreting and Translation, University of Bologna). So I packed my suitcases and moved from scorching Apulia to Emilia-Romagna to pursue my dreams.
The years spent in Forlì, when I got to know Chiara and Serena, introduced me to the world of specialised translation and related technologies. I also benefitted from important experiences abroad during that time, such as the DGT internship at the European Commission, during which time I learnt terminological research techniques that now allow me to offer precise and accurate services. I started working as a translator, editor and proofreader, and internal project manager at various translation agencies in Emilia-Romagna immediately after my degree. This was a highly formative experience that allowed me to learn about the professional field in all its facets.
I returned to Apulia in 2012 to pursue a career as a freelance translator and since then, through continuous professional development, I have been working under three basic principles: reliability, intralinguistic and interlinguistic quality, and punctuality.
ASCforTranslation was born from us sharing these values, the deep trust that we have in each other and the importance that we attach to synergy within our team. Chiara is undoubtedly the best person to carry out context-specific terminology research as there are no hidden nuances that escape her attention, whereas Serena’s attention to detail and accuracy, combined with her knowledge of the source language make her the ideal professional for editing stylistically critical texts.
I have many other interests outside of the office: I like to try my hand at ethnic cuisine, and I compensate for long hours at my desk with healthy functional training, keeping up-to-date on all that is hi-tech, and finally I enjoy long walks in nature.
2008-2011: Master’s Degree in Specialised Translation at Scuola Superiore di Lingue Moderne per Interpreti e Traduttori (SSLMIT) in Forlì (School of Interpreting and Translation, University of Bologna). Languages: French, German (Grade: 110/110 with honours).
2011: Traineeship at the European Commission Directorate-General for Translation in Luxembourg – Italian unit (DGT.IT.03).
2008: One semester at the Angewandte Sprachwissenschaft sowie Übersetzen und Dolmetschen at the University of Saarbrücken (Germany) as part of the Erasmus programme.
2005-2008: Bachelor’s Degree in Intercultural Language Mediation at Scuola Superiore di Lingue Moderne per Interpreti e Traduttori (SSLMIT) in Forlì (School of Interpreting and Translation, University of Bologna). Languages: French, German (Grade: 110/110 with honours).
2000-2005: High school diploma in foreign languages and literature at Don L. Milani of Acquaviva delle Fonti (Bari) (Grade: 100/100).
From 2012 onwards: Freelance translator, editor and proofreader from French and German into Italian for companies, private clients and Italian, and foreign translation agencies.
September 2011 – June 2012: In-house project manager, translator, editor and proofreader at a translation agency in Modena (localisation projects from French and German for the Swiss market).
May – July 2011: In-house project manager at a translation agency in Bologna (managing multilingual projects).
Railways: Translation of manuals focussing on ordinary and extraordinary maintenance of rolling stock, internal regulations, staff training and workshop material, work instructions relating to internal procedures of railway companies and articles for business magazines, as well as localisation of enterprise resource planning softwares. Translating for a major Swiss railway company is one of the various projects carried out in this area.
Interior design: Translation of descriptive content intended for business websites, product presentation brochures including technical specifications, catalogues, and articles for industrial magazines. I have worked for the Swiss branch of a world-leading company specialised in low-cost furniture among other end clients in this field.
Law: Translation of judicial documents and notary deeds, civil procedure judgements, documents of succession, contracts and agreements, company documents, international sets of forms and other similar documents for important legal and notary firms, as well as companies based in Apulia.
Agribusiness: Translation of data sheets of dairy products and descriptions of handcrafting techniques focussed on promotion of food heritage (dairy products) in the Gioia del Colle area, as well as brochures, informational material and labels for oil products, baked goods, fruit and vegetables, etc.
Moreover, I have also worked in other fields, such as marketing and communications, IT and software, automotive, medical and tourism.
SDL Trados Studio 2019/2021, memoQ 9
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